Woke up early, that's jet lag for you. This morning I have been reading up about a key US education policy called 'No Child Left Behind'. Have a look on Google. All children have tests every year and each year the results for each year group have to be better than last year. If not there are penalties for the school. One question I have will be 'does this affect the sort of things children can learn?' We used to have tests like this for Year 2 & 6 bit they were stopped about 7 years ago in Wales.
I went to get some breakfast at about 5am. It's now 8am which is the heart of the rush hour but my body feels like it's mid-morning. I can see quite a few yellow school buses now picking up and collecting just like at Trellech. There's a small high school on the block next to my hotel. This is a 'nice' part of New York City and although the school next door is apparently good, there is no playing field - we're very lucky to have such a lot of space at our school and lots of green. Of course that is often same as primary schools in cities like Cardiff.
On the news this morning they said that President Obama is visiting the city tonight. The First Lady will be at a function in this part of the city too! She probably heard that Dai the Dragon is in town!
We're heading to meetings soon. More updates later